Gateshead Older Peoples Assembly

Full information about Establishment Gateshead Older Peoples Assembly at Deckham Village Hall, Split Crow Road, Gateshead, England NE8 3UB. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Deckham Village Hall, Split Crow Road, Gateshead, England NE8 3UB
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Phone number:
+44 191 438 1721



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Opening times

Monday 09:00 — 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 — 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 — 16:00
Thursday 09:00 — 16:00
Friday 09:00 — 16:00
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Gateshead Older Peoples Assembly

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Gateshead Older People's Assembly - voice of older people in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear
Thank you for visiting the website of Gateshead Older People’s Assembly. Ours is an organisation governed BY older people FOR older people. We aim to be the voice of older people in Gateshead by listening to and supporting all older people across the borough.
Gateshead Older People’s Assembly. governed BY older people FOR older people. voice of older people in Gateshead by listening to and supporting all older people across the borough.

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Weather in Gateshead, England

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